Rest - Work - Session Groups

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Used for creating, editing and deleting sessiongroups from the Views system.

Base URL

Creating Session Groups

As with all our services, the data structure can vary from account to account, depending how you have configured your system. To get the expected schema for the data you need to supply, you should download the schema information from:|.json|.xsd)

Once you have created your data file, you can send it using the following:

curl --url <Base URL> -u<username>:<password> -H Content-Type:text/xml -X POST -d "<xml>"

If there is a problem with creating that record, you will get a response containing all the errors, plus a copy of the translated data you supplied.

If the record was created successfully, the service will return a complete reocrd for the newly created record if the attribute id set as the newly created id.

Fetching a Session Group

curl --url <Base URL>/<id> -u<username>:<password> -H Content-Type:text/xml

Searching for Session Groups

curl --url <Base URL>/search?q=<query> -u<username>:<password> -H Content-Type:text/xml 
  • query - This is a text string to use to search for in the session group records

Updating a sessiongroups

curl --url <Base URL>/<id> -u<username>:<password> -H Content-Type:text/xml -X PUT -d "<xml>"
  • id - The ID of the session group

The XML should be in the same format as the create XML.

Archiving a sessiongroups

curl --url <Base URL>/<id> -u<username>:<password> -H Content-Type:text/xml -X PUT -d '<status>1</status>'
  • id - The ID of the session group

This will set the archive flag on a session group. If you set the status to 0, then it will remove the archive flag.

Deleting a sessiongroups

curl --url <Base URL>/<id> -u<username>:<password> -H Content-Type:text/xml -X DELETE
  • id - The ID of the sessiongroups

This should be used with great care as it will permenently delete a session groups record.