Rest - Work - Venues

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Used for creating, editing and deleting Venues from the Views system.

Base URL


Creating a venues

Once you have created your data file, you can send it using the following:

curl --url <Base URL> -u<username>:<password> -H Content-Type:text/xml -X POST -d "<xml>"

If there is a problem with creating that record, you will get a response containing all the errors, plus a copy of the translated data you supplied.

If the record was created successfully, the service will return a complete reocrd for the newly created record if the attribute id set as the newly created id.

Fetching a venue

curl --url <Base URL>/<id> -u<username>:<password> -H Content-Type:text/xml

Searching for a venues

curl --url <Base URL>/search?q=<query> -u<username>:<password> -H Content-Type:text/xml 
  • query - This is a text string to use to search for in the venues records

You can search for any field for a specific value by setting the field as a parameter. Please refer to the schema for field names.

There are also a series of fields that you use -from and -to modifiers to express a range:

  • Created - yyyy-mm-dd
  • Updated - yyyy-mm-dd
  • Archived - yyyy-mm-dd

Updating a venues

curl --url <Base URL>/<id> -u<username>:<password> -H Content-Type:text/xml -X PUT -d "<xml>"
  • id - The ID of the venues

The XML should be in the same format as the create XML.

Archiving a venues

curl --url <Base URL>/<id> -u<username>:<password> -H Content-Type:text/xml -X PUT -d '<status>1</status>'
  • id - The ID of the venues

This will set the archive flag on a venues. If you set the status to 0, then it will remove the archive flag.

Deleting a venues

curl --url <Base URL>/<id> -u<username>:<password> -H Content-Type:text/xml -X DELETE
  • id - The ID of the venues

This should be used with great care as it will permenently delete a venues record.