Financial education does not sit on the primary school national curriculum. An Inquiry into Financial Education Delivery in Schools1 concluded that there was a need to start financial education at a younger age (i.e. at primary school). MyBnk’s Primary Money Twist programme, supported by KickStart Money (KSM), seeks to address this need and ensure that:
Young people are aware of the effects of money habits and are equipped to form positive habits. Young people have the confidence to discuss money with their peers and parents.
Substance has independently evaluated the Primary Money Twist programme since its inception in 2016. This report provides headline impact data based on a streamlined evaluative approach for the third year of delivery (2019 – 2020). As detailed in previous evaluation reports. The methodology was designed to answer the following research question:
What impact does the programme have on the financial attitudes and indicators of financial behaviour of children aged 5-11?