Published On: 9 October 2023Last Updated: 9 October 2023Categories:


Croydon Public Health Authority required a way to report the impact of a sport and physical activity programme managed by Croydon Voluntary Action and delivered by multiple agencies across a number of sites in the borough.

The Challenge

The Croydon Voluntary Action Game Changer programme is seeking to support young people aged 14-25 to live healthier and more active lifestyles and make a smooth transition into employment. Ten established community sport and physical activity organisations based in the borough are tasked with delivering the programme to over 2,000 participants, each one of whom is matched with opportunities according to their skills and interests. Croydon Public Health Authority required information to be collected and reported on participants demographic data, levels of activity prior to their involvement in the programme and progress towards a more active lifestyle, attendance at health workshops, and movement into training and employment or taking advantage of mentoring opportunities.

How we helped

Views accounts were created for all ten delivery organisations and the Sportworks impact assessment application configured in each. A programme dashboard was created for the Croydon Public Health Authority to assess progress towards individual targets and demonstrate the impact the programme was contributing to improved mental health and wellbeing and reductions in NEET status. The Game Changer project is making the case for further investment into prevention and early intervention projects across the borough, supporting a delivery chain of agencies to work collaboratively, sharing information about what works. In addition, Croydon are sharing their learning with other Public Health Authorities so they too can make smarter commissioning decisions about what works in increasing physical activity levels and reducing health inequalities.

Delivery Partners
Participant records in Views

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