Published On: 15 August 2023Last Updated: 9 November 2023Categories:

Badminton Europe (BEC) is the governing body of Badminton in Europe.

It is one of the five continental bodies under the flag of the Badminton World Federation (BWF) and Substance has been working with the organisation since early 2022 to deliver social impact measurement through Social Return on Investment (SROI) valuations and enhanced data collection methods.

Upon running successful workshops at BEC’s annual congress in Valletta, Malta in 2022, focused on an SROI feasibility assessment and identifying suitable pilot member associations (MA’s), Badminton Europe initiated a pilot project to provide social return on investment valuations for France, Italy, Estonia and Malta.

These findings were then presented at BEC’s 2023 congress in Baku, Azerbaijan with discussions ongoing about the viability of rolling this out to further member associations. Further impact measurement and technological development would in turn enable the relevant stakeholders to use the results to secure future investment, influence decision making, change perceptions and build upon the original outcome values.

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